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Outfit 1 got the higher number of votes in the poll, so here it is, shrinlwrapped right onto Tina's sexy body.

Right off the bat, you will notice the usages of beer cans in this render. They will be used as the theme for this render, perhaps like "having a drink by the poolside" or something along the line. Apart from the preview you are seeing in this post, I will have the beer can interact with Tina in other render images.

For Tina herself, it's gonna be the usuals, a clothed version and a nude version. However, this time I will be trying the sweat shader provided in the Venus Script. I have always wanted to do this, but my previous attempts weren't successful, so hopefully it will turn out good this time. Mainly I will have to adjust for the sweat drop sizes and the overall wetness of the skin shading. I have done a few trials, but they either looked too glossy, or the sweat was just barely visible. I will also try and mess with the light position too, as it can also have an impact on the sweat shading when the light is reflected off of Tina's skin.






Is the secon beer fo us or did Tina have a rough day? 🤣


Let's just leave this to your imagination ;) well, I bet you won't mind a rough day with Tina