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A current project that I am working on is a Mila render set. I was browsing through some of the models that I downloaded but never used, and this caught my attention.

I absolutely love the outfit on this model. It is a simple, primitive-looking design, yet it looks erotic enough. Plus, the colour scheme fits Mila quite well imo.

As usual, apart from the clothed model, I have also incorporated the nude model. However, since the body mesh from the two distinct models are slightly different, I had to made some adjustments here and there, in particular the hands where the bone envelopes kinda messed up. Apart from that, I have adjusted the body shading since the original specular map is too dark. I've added brightness nodes and experimented with the roughness so that the skin will look better.

Originally, I wanted this scene to be set in the daytime, but after messing around with the light settings, I figured out that setting it at night seem to look better. It can make the balcony light more flashed out, and from the testing viewport, it is shown to be able to provide a nice-looking tint to the scene.

Other than these, I will also need to set up the lightning inside the room and think of some other poses. Hope that this will turn out well.




I look forward to meeting Mila!😆