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Hi patrons :)

First of all sorry for the lackluster content for $4 patrons this month(Feb.) I hope 2 hi-res PoP pages could make up for it.

I will take my family for a trip in Japan in March :) I save up money for this trip for a couple of years now. I wouldn't be able to achieved this without the the support from you all over those years. Thank you :)

The trip will only take 5 days so PoP wouldn't be affected by this trip. I will try to draw a sketch pages and post them before I went to Japan.

If you doubt I will be able to deliver content as promised, feel free to adjust your pledge accordingly :)



Cool ! I hope the trip will be awesome ! :D Bring us pictures ! :p


Hooray! Have fun!


Be safe, hope you find some good stuff.


Have a good time and be safe.

