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shuffling through my older artwork I noticed that 'Tetsuwan Tet-chan' piece, the way deltoid and pectoral muscle weaving together kinda not make sense(you learn more about anatomy as time goes on haha)

Being compulsive weirdo that I am I have to fix it so here you go :D (this was one of my fav piece so I can't let that slide)

I also include the OG version here as well in case you wondering what has changed.

Tetsuko belong to DCM(David C. Matthews)




I don’t see a difference, but then again, I don’t suppose it matters. They both look great to me.

Jan Baer

very nice


I've noticed the change in your drawing style over the last 2/3 years. Is it because you're trying to respect anatomy more that you no longer make many characters in the super heavy category?


I still draw super heavy proportion but not as frequent because I don't find many character that looks good in hyper proportion.


As a muscle artist too I know what you mean but to tell you the truth I kinda miss the old pinnacle of physique times 😉🥲