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Hi patron!

we have reached $1500 goal! Hooray!

As promised, new FF pages will be in color. I allocate $240 for hiring colorist to color 4 pages. But if pledge fall below $1500, we have to make do with fewer color page. I hope you all understand :)

But I would like to ask you patron, which series would you patron prefer the colorist to work on? FF or PoP. originally the goal was to hire colorist for FF but if you patron prefer I color FF and colorist work on PoP that would be fine too.

Let me know in your comment.

And thank you all for your support :)

PS FF page 152-155 is in the progress of inking atm. I estimate they're 75% done.



I want you to chose whatever will make your work easier in the end :)


I'm used to see FF in grey tones, but if you want both series to be colored, I'd say you on PoP, and the colorist on FF. The colorist seems to work slower than you. As FF's pace has slowed down to become the second focus at the moment, it would allow them to work at their rythm, without you being frustrated because of that. And each series would have its own coloring style :)


Congratulations! As for colour, keep the colourist on PoP. I'd rather see coloured muscle than blood.


i would prefer you color PoP and the colorest color FF :)