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Since the option B gaining a lot more vote by significant margins, I go ahead and inked it XD

For anyone who disappointed version A didn't make it, I'm happy to inform you that I will draw version A as well since I like it so much XD

So the poll was kinda pointless since I will be drawing them both anyway. sorry for wasting everyone's time lol




Nah, dude. No time wasted.


Yeah not a waste at all! And now we get two versions instead of just one. A win all around if you ask me 😁


Called it when I went "Both? Both. Both is good." in the poll. :P

Robbi Nova

It's never a waste of time to answer your questions. :)


if possible, could you try a bigger version for the A?

Ryu Hayabusa

please draw her with Sharingan activited