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greeting patron.

it is my sincere apology to inform you that color page PoP 9-12 has been delayed further.

I tried contact colorist yesterday to ask for update but they didnt respond.

I understand your frustration, I paid $240 for that 4 pages.

I will give them the benefit of a doubt though, maybe they do have technical difficulties.

I know this is truly unacceptable and I'm terribly sorry for the delay.

I'll update you all as soon as possible.


Bob Partridge

Actually these days the struggle to produce it is sometimes as much of the art as the 'finished' work. We appreciate the process as well as the product, the journey as well as the arrival. Cheer up. I for one among your many keen fans are happy to wait for the results. The fight to get things done makes your stuff even more special. Anyway, the simplest rule is that if worrying helps, worry. Otherwise just do your best. Cheer up. We appreciate your efforts. Your art is some of the most lively and interesting stuff going at the moment which is why we're here.

George MP

Quality takes time.


Dude...It's O.K. This is NOT your fault in any way. Stuff like this happens. You just have to go with the paces. So don't fret about it.