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UPDATE: sketch for page 22, 23 is added

UPDATE 2: sketch for page 24 is added

Hi all! 

I'm working on new pages for MMA. Sorry for lack of progress. Part of the blame was me playing God of War PC version(such incredible game. can't stop playing lol) and one part is... Making comic is fucking hard. sketch was the hardest part. My brain is not as imaginative as it used to be. Coming up with each panel is a nightmare not to mention a composition of the whole page. It was exhausting sitting there for an hour and can't draw one freaking panel.

well, the hardest part was over and I think I can push on. I hope it's a smooth sailing from now.

I will update this post when more sketch is done :)



Ted Brown

it may be difficult .... but I REALLY appreciate the end result! Page looks amazing.

Liquid Metal Larry

It sucks to hear that, just know that we all appreciate the time and effort you put into this


You are for sure the best artist in the world of our "muscles" category , we are glad to support you and even more glad to wait if you need more time for you. Take your time and enjoy god of war ahaha! I cant wait for the sequel


Yuuus! Nice sketched page! :)


Yepp, take your time and enjoy gow, i just hope this project will last at least as long as the previous ones, I'm really loving it 😄


Ooo these pages are going to look so good when they're finished! Great work on these pokkuti!


I feel like out of the bunch she would be super into this lol.


I just knew that she was going to be the biggest and strongest of them all after tricking her into taking it. :)


Ohhh this is looking incredible!


I bet she gonna grow thhe biggest of the group


This was my most anticipated one, I wonder If her quirk will give her some advantage 👀👀




don't worry about it, it's looking great! just pace yourself man
