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Pre 2018 Hi-Res Art pack now include Forbidden Frontiers comic. 


This gives me nostalgia lol. Once upon a time FF was my main draw for my Patreon. The fight was drag on far too long. it was too much of a cliff hanger. Cliff hanger was fine as long as the comic release in acceptable pace which sadly I can not delivered(4 pages a month remember?). Audience just got tired of the invincible bad guy so they just gave up.




Pls don't let this happen ever again


I mean, honestly, I for one (and I'm sure everybody else too) was here for muscle growth (ideally FMG), sequences, and lewd stuff with fluids flying everywhere. FF was great until that uber-long fight scene. Say you did another chapter of FF, 1 page per month, where it's back to town, XIV and the others are in bandages, and he tries immediately to hulk-out to see if he can. Malida is having day-dreams of what she saw XIV do to Mia, so she builds-up the courage to ask him to have sex with her hoping it will 'exorcise' her day-dreams (but it doesn't)... Personally, I'd love to see that.


"The fight was drag on far too long" is the understatement of the year. ^^


Omg I love this series and I wish you'd continue it. This is a treat: Also, the invincible bad guy was so cool and I really want to what happens next! I am always waiting to see what happens and it never continues.


I'll admit that the fight maybe wore on a bit too long, but I hope you can re-use the characters at some point. Maybe re-structure the story someday, or do small skits or something.


I suppose I may be in the minority opinion here, but I was rather happy with the FF story, Pokk. It served as a nice juxtaposition, and I do feel the setting has potential. Maybe bringing on an editor for the script and a back-up artist for certain elements in the future could help with the time management? Hope springs eternal, you know?


Its great to have some story to fill out your characters. It can really make the art so much more enjoyable. At the same time its important to not get too far off topic.

Nicholas Craig

Hope you'll come back to this some day. I was really into the story.

Nelgem Natisen

Just like NIcholas Craig said. I really hope you get back to it, as I'm really curious to see what's the thing going on with the "Host body thing.