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I still haven't work on last month's Magister Decree(2 line art) ;3;

I am so slow finishing commission as it is and this month I got hit with a flood and have additional expense on repair. Another rough month ;3;

I want to work on one more commission to deliver a finished drawing for this month

I will try to finish one line art before the next pay cycle but I can't promise anything.

I hope you understand.

As a compensation, if you want any of my hi-res work(even unreleased sketches), let me know in the comment and I will upload and send a link to download it for you :) (You can also choose if you want a .png or .psd) (If you can't find the image you're looking for, you can describe it for me)



I'm just glad you're doing commissions! It's worth it this month by far and you can totally push the line drawings aside for epic commissions!


At your pace Pokkuti, first your well being then work. And I was wondering if you had the .psd of this oldie? https://www.patreon.com/posts/forbidden-pg-84-1574399


I would be grateful to see some unused sketches myself. Png is ok with me.💯


Don't worry too much, Pokk, we gotchu'. But as for works to pull from on from your back catalog, there are some older PSDs from Lewd Island, Jungle Bust and Tribal God that I can't seem to download, but that I'd love to be able to see.


Things come up when we least expect it. so dont worry about it. As for catalog. I honestly would like to see some of those unused sketches you mentioned.