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For those patron who still not update their pledge, I want to know the reason.

Is there a concern that I will screw you over and post less work?

Or that you dont understand the different between "per work" and "monthly"?

I just want to know. Because when I ask that I want to change to monthly method, there's not a single objection


I changed to monthly because it's easier for me to keep track of and to sent rewards.

It also easier for you patron as well since I get rid of "minimum amount required for eligible to receive reward" and you pay less to get hi-res bonus content(from $15 to $12)



I wonder if most people just don't read Patreon notifications and artists messages.


I just assumed that it was up to you to make the change at your end from "per work" to "monthly" and it just changed when we got billed. Didn't know we had to change anything. I updated my pledge to closest equivalent to what I had before, so hopefully that's all I have to do.


I'm fine with monthly billing. Is there something we need to change, or do you change it automatically?


I can change how I got money not the amount, the amount is on your end. for example, with "per work" method, if you pledge $5 per work, and I post 4 paid content, at the end of the month Patreon collect you $20(5*4) (unless you set max amount at lower) With "monthly" there's no longer "paid content". You pay fixed amount and you get reward according to your pledge. For example, I post 3 bonus content and 4 FF pages and your pledge is $12. at the end of the month, Patreon will collect $12 from you.


I can change how I got money not the amount, the amount is on your end. for example, with "per work" method, if you pledge $5 per work, and I post 4 paid content, at the end of the month Patreon collect you $20(5*4) (unless you set max amount at lower) With "monthly" there's no longer "paid content". You pay fixed amount and you get reward according to your pledge. For example, I post 3 bonus content and 4 FF pages and your pledge is $12. at the end of the month, Patreon will collect $12 from you.

Raky Redfeathers

I never knew there was a "per work" option. I've always signed up per month.


Donation type different for each content creator. I've been using "per work"(per comic page) since I start my Patreon. Only switched to "monthly" this month.