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(Copy from Patreon support page)

 I  want to give you a heads up about a change that affects your access to my  future posts on Patreon. 

Starting  Nov 7th, Patreon is making an update that determines post access based  on the tier that you’re matched with - not the dollar amount you’re  paying.

If  you’d like to keep receiving access to the same posts, you simply need  to sign up for the tier matched with the amount you’re already pledging.  You can sign up for the right tier here in your Patreon settings and it will only take a minute.

(this also apply to patrons who select "No reward"  This means that you must be signed up for a tier in order to receive access to my posts.)

For example: If you pledge $7 to access $5 posts, you won't be able to see $5 tier post from Nov 7th onward. So please set your pledge accordingly.



Wtf..? What a silly and inconvenient rule.


It's such a stupid rule! It really is. It's only making everyone lose money.....


the new system has it's pros and cons. it allowed creators more flexibility when giving out reward but creator no longer profit from "tip" pledge(generous pledge).


They should just break the tier away from the tips and make that amount a second amount in the system.