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Hiyo! A while back I ask the community for an idea for the back story of Tribal God image series. Sadly there's not enough idea so it was scrapped. But I think the story has some potential so I write it down so if anyone interested to expand upon it can let me know :) Here's the back story for Tribal God series(sorry for my Eng.) God's bride Once every 8 year, a ceremony will be perform to choose one maiden to become god's bride. when the maiden is chosen, she'll dedicate entire year training and preparation for copulation with the god. The training include gradually stretching her vagina using dildo of various size. Dildo size will gradually increases as training went on. Ending with dildo with the same size as legendary god's manhood. The process is gradually and never with maiden's injury or else this will anger the god. The maiden will also train to provide sexual pleasure for the god. While in training, the maiden will never be allowed to interact with mortal men. She'll train using only dummy and dildo, under close supervision of the priestess(former god's bride) Once she's ready, the maiden will be escort to the mountain where god reside. Adorn with only sacred marking on her body, the maiden now ready to become god's bride. She will spend at least 3 years as god's bride, perform various sexual act to pleasure the god. To keep up with his stamina, the bride can drink god semen to rejuvenate her stamina. this will also act as aphrodisiac, increases her sexual desire as well. Once her duty is done, the god will give her a blessing of eternal beauty. Her beauty will never be tarnish by old age, although this is not immortality as she can still die from old age. Once she return to the village, she can choose to become priestess and help training the next god's bride. Village God In the setting of this story, is it the dark age. The land is filled with dangerous beast and evil spirit. Long time ago, the village elder ask the greater god to protect the village. The greater god still fighting the great war with the evil spirit, will provide the ritual that will grant a single mortal ascending to godhood, to become a local god and eternal guardian of the village. One boy chosen at a very young age to become a god. In the day of ascension, his physique already muscular from years of training. When he ascend, the god power infuse with his body, his muscle become even more massive. His black hair turn golden bright and his marking now become permanent part of his body. For centuries, he fight off beast and evil spirit to protect the village. But there's one thing that he can't fight, his sexual urge. Being a god trapped inside a body of teen make his urge almost unbearable. He request village elder for a woman to help with his urge. The women unprepared for his massive manhood can't provide him the satisfactions. One of the village priestess volunteer to train herself to become god's bride, thus begun the god's bride ceremony. Even with his urge for sex, the god never force himself upon any women and he declared that every bride must pledge with her own free will. He once punish a family that force their daughter to become god's bride. No family ever force their daughter to become god's bride ever since.


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