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It's done. OMG, it's finally done. page 89 was a nightmare. almost drive me crazy X( I should have go with simpler design for pistol but nooo, I was too lazy to come up with new design and use the same design as Mia's pistol on chapter2. I never good with drawing mechanical stuff and having to draw from scratch was a nightmare(I usually draw over references for mechanical stuff) And that was the first obstacle LOL The second peril for me to face was Clip Studio Perspective tool. That thing is not user friendly let me tell you :P It seem like all of this is an excuses for delayed. Part of it yes. But it was teach me a few things. As an artist, you should not abandoned principle skill such as perspective. Also, I might need 3d artist to make those damn guns for me LOL I'll need 1-2 more days to wrap this up. Again, sorry for delay after delay. I should have make these pages simpler but part of me want it to look good so, I blame you, my ego! bad ego, BAD!



Corentin Broquet

Hey not bad at all :D you must take your time to do thing if you feel that way :D

Bob Partridge

Working at your own best pace is probably best.


Understandable. As someone who specializes in figure drawing with a lot of experience you've likely gone past the need to start by using primitives to draw them, and then adding in details (as I do). So logically when you try to draw something that is fundamentally a bunch of geometric shapes and straight lines, your brain will need some experience to remind itself of that basic training way back when you took it. Don't worry about minor delays though, it happens with all projects. Take the difficult parts as a kind of challenge. Look forward to getting over the hump and becoming better at what you do, don't let it whip you into being frustrated. Keep your positive mojo up. (and yeah, the guns look fine to me ;)