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Hi patron!

Sorry for a seni-ominous title but I want to share with you all what nagging my mind for a while. My Patreon was originally suppose to focus mainly on FF(Forbidden Frontiers) with 1-2 bonus content per month.

After a while FF become less porn and more serious. I switched to "per month" method of payment out of arrogant. Then my revenue begin to dropped. In a panic, I tried making more bonus piece to give more incentive for people to pledge more. It worked for a while but my revenue never reached the level of earlier months.

Then came PoP(Pinnacle of Physique) it was originally a part of story arc in FF. It was an exciting idea and I'm really looking forward to make it but I realized that working at snail's pace , it would take years for the arc to be implement. With some discussion with friends and early FF adopter(thank you very much for making FF a reality) I decided to make a spinoff comic. So the PoP was born.

For FF fan, I know I may seems a bit neglect on FF. I'm sorry. I was just joking around :) But please know that FF is my baby and I would never give up on it. Many of you may support FF because you like the porn and muscle fetish aspect of it and you might feel betrayed that I focus on more serious story lately. I'm sorry I made you feel that way. Let me assure you that I didn't abandon porn aspect of FF. It's just.... I want FF to be more than porn. I once have a dream of making a good comic. But I also love making porn comic as well lol. So FF is like an experiment of sort. I don't know if it will work and I might sound a bit arrogance but I want those who read FF to feel something. It sound pretentious I know but hey I'm an artist after all LOL So please don't give up on FF yet. There's still more porn to come ;) (I just have to finished this damn first arc) Please believe me I feel really bad to have to push back FF further and further. PoP required a lot of effort from me. Do you remember when I make 4-5 page of FF a month and some bonus piece? Yeah me neither :P What I'm trying to say is, PoP is a lot of work T_T  7-8 pages of colored pages? I don't even know how I managed that lol

Now for PoP. How do I begin this lol. PoP was such a ride. it has up and down but I enjoy working on it. It give me a creative exercise I need :) But!(there's always a but lol) I feel most people who enter just want me to draw their persona. Since PoP is set in the same universe as FF, I just want people to create character that would fit in that universe not the other way around. It's my fault for not providing you with enough information to make the character fit more in FF verse and for that I apologize. But what is the future of PoP? Well, instead of accepting large entries in one go, I'll accept 2-3 entries per round. Once all entries are featured, I will then start accept more entry again. What do you think of this method :) Also, I will provide more info on each race next time too :) but please be sure to have a discussion with me before you fully pledge for better result(for both you and me) 

Well, a bit longer than usual but I hope that clear things up a bit :)

Please let me know if you have any question and concern. I will answer the best I can :)



so wait are you adding more entries for pop again? is that what your saying at the end there?


As wolf said I dont get what your saying


PoP season 2 will have a different method for accepting entry. But that would be after first season has ended


Is my entry still valid? It's been awhile and wanted to make sure.


Yes your entry is still valid. You can see your entry on the roster <a href="https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xuchToB29RObHl7UFAOcKhhGkFQAfgI0_JT2Cg147O0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xuchToB29RObHl7UFAOcKhhGkFQAfgI0_JT2Cg147O0</a>


As long as we get muscle lesbians doing their thing to each other, I'm a happy camper :) [Futa/female is fine too]


Thank you for the update. I know that can be hard laying it out like that. I've enjoyed both projects and can't wait to see where they go next. Good luck.


About PoP...What do you mean you'll start accepting more entries again? Will you accept new entries? What about the finales and voting on our favorites? Also, as someone who didn't have a full say in how they're character was presented (though it turned out fine in the end) I agree on the more information part.


Wait, never mind about my questions. It seems I was a little too hasty, someone else already asked the same thing.


Thanks for the update. Now I feel kinda bad for entering PoP and giving you extra work, but I really like your drawings, so keep at it and don't hurt yourself :p


Thanks for this update. These are good things coming.


So what happens to the current contestants?


I'd put Kris in ASAP if she fit the bill... He he he...


I really appreciate the Update I would also like to say that look you have a lot on your plate it's understandable but you work well with what you know and what you enjoy to cause it's not just a demands from those who expect much from you it's what you also can do in your own time in your own ability keep doing what you feel is right what you feel is great all these stories are great I hope to see more of them especially for bidin tales too I hope to see more and more of your work in hopefully a comic book version who knows someday write what you do is an awesome story regardless of the content I'm not focus just on the content alone does sex is great the story is much better and the characters as well so keep going with what you're doing we're all rooting for You. Good health and well being comes 1st too


Sorry for the long story sometimes I get carried away as a big fan.


The current season will feature all contestant and will have a winner before the second second begin


Hey, you do you, you make it work. We're all pulling for you!

Maxwell Wright

hi buddy, sadly i'm one of the non-oney-supporters (i have never eletric money. waiting to finish university and get a job) but i wanted to say you that i love FF for the porn and THE STORY both. I once tried to make a good porn with a good story but i failed, so now i am writing only the story parts. You are making soemthing really good. stting, characters and story are cool and original. keep the col thing ^^