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I’m taking a break on FF next month. I start to get burnout and need something exciting to refresh my motivation. I’m sorry to delay the already slow progress of the comic further But to compensate for that, next month I’ll draw colored artwork to celebrate Christmas and new year! I aimed for 6 pieces of colored artwork, which will include… - continue of Tribal God series - continue of Junglebook series - Felicia and Ifrit - Chel from The Road to Eldorado - and 2 pieces to destroy your childhood memory ;) 2 out of 6 will be bonus content(free) the other 4 will be paid content(well, it's a colored artwork) I hope this will keep you engage till FF resume :)



I understand your break from FF. Giving yourself the opportunity to see or do other things can only be a good thing to get inspiration back.


Taking a break sounds like a good idea, though you did leave us on a good cliffhanger. And I doubt you could destroy my childhood anymore than it already has been blown to bits, buried and wizzed on XD!

Corentin Broquet

you are right to make a pause :) be with your familly and friends a little :)


I don't think patrons run after quantity, so take the time you need. The pay per page system is a good idea.