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It's the final installment! Our interviewer is a very different person by this point, and probably asking very different questions than they thought they would be when they started this journey. In case you're not keeping track, this is the final of six interviews with the six gods of the world of Project Wild One! I've sprinkled a bit of world building in with all of these, but it's also just been a pretty fun exploration of what it would mean for certain ideals to have a physical embodiment.

As always, this is not strictly canon so much as an exploration of what could be. I hope you find it an interesting read!


Q: I'm recording now. If you have anything to say, I'll write it down and share it with my people.

A: ...

Q: I must admit, I'm surprised I was allowed to speak with you. This city seems to hold you in a very high regard, and it sounded like spending time in your presence is widely sought. I thought I'd have to go through a much more rigorous process.

A: ...

Q: Well. To be honest, I nearly didn't try for this interview anyway. You do have quite a... an impressive aura. I feel like I've learned a great deal about... everything... just standing here. I see why people want to do so, but... Hm. I suppose that... few actually want to speak with you? That's a little surprising, but I can see now that... it would feel unnecessary, in many cases.

A: ...

Q: ...Do you... prefer not to talk to people?

A: I am indifferent to it.

Q: Oh! Well. Thank you for responding. I'll try not to waste your time, then. Ah... do you prefer to talk to the other Gods, then?

A: It is all the same to me.

Q: ...Well... do you prefer to talk about certain subjects, then?

A: I am inclined to answer questions, either to educate or to explore new ideas.

Q: That's perfect, then. It's my job to ask lots of questions, and you'll be able to enlighten many people with this interview, hopefully.

A: ...

Q: Right. Well! Right now we're standing in the center of a rather large room, filled with people that appear to be... thinking? meditating? I imagine they're enjoying the benefits of your aura, but are they here for any reason in particular?

A: Most of them are addicted to the sense of peace and understanding wisdom brings. Many claim to be preparing to go do great things, but the signs of addiction are there.

Q: ...Oh. Well... should they be removed, then? For their own good?

A: ...

Q: Isn't it dangerous to leave addicts to the throes of their drug of choice?

A: It can be. Functionaries attend to these people, to make sure they have the basics. Many leave their lives unattended, however.

Q: Don't you think that people leaving their lives behind to follow addiction should be put back on course, then?

A: A "Should we" is meaningless on its own. Speak to Justice to get your fill of "Should."

Q: You don't give advice?

A: The best answer to most problems will be too complicated, and too rooted in your own personal values, for me to give it to you. I can answer questions to help you find your own answers, your own "Should."

Q: Hmmm. I did actually speak with Justice previously, and I have to say, you two seem to have a lot of similarities. Very powerful auras that change how others think, but a personal approach that is nothing like what I expected.

A: ...

Q: Right. Um. Do you think that you are similar to Justice?

A: We are very similar in that we are both Gods, with influence as you describe. However, our effects and our priorities are nearly opposite to each other.

Q: Opposite? Because you don't talk about what people "should" do?

A: That is a consequence of our differences. Justice brings people intense, emotional experiences, to give them perspective on how they make others feel. I give people a more rational perspective, opening their minds to logic and rational understanding. Emotion is often diminished in that process.

Q: I wouldn't have thought of justice as having a lot to do with emotion before I met its embodiment, but now that I have, I suppose that does seem to be a big part of it. But... does that mean there's no wisdom in justice?

A: There is some measure of wisdom in all things. Justice is an attempt to compromise between emotion and logic, and my counterpart helps tune that balance. Emotion tends to be an impediment and a casualty to wisdom in its purest form.

Q: Wisdom makes it... harder to feel things?

A: Most emotion comes from ignorance, uncertainty, and inability to understand the world around you. You fear and hate what you do not understand. You enjoy mystery and discovery. You ascribe your own wishes on people, objects, and the future itself and feel many things about it... that you would not if you knew the truth of the matter.

Q: So, but... you said "most emotion." Pure wisdom doesn't mean a complete void of emotion, does it?

A: That can vary. Usually, the greater one's understanding, the less one actually feels about the things the ignorant have emotions for. One often begins to focus on subjects so complicated, it's hard to grasp them emotionally. One's emotions will often become muted, and in some cases, almost nonexistent.

Q: That's... troubling to hear, to be honest. Do people know this before they come to you?

A: Sometimes. It is common for people that are overly emotional to come or be brought here, to cool hot heads and make room for better decisions. In any case, it takes a long time to reach a state of nearly pure wisdom. You yourself still seem filled with emotions.

Q: I... suppose I am. I'm thinking clearer than I have in years, and I'll admit I'm feeling a little less sentimental than usual, but I still feel frightened I might somehow lose some part of myself staying close to you so long. ...Is that what these people are seeking then? They want to achieve a "pure wisdom"?

A: In some cases, yes. But this is a thing that does not work very well in a mortal vessel. Your bodies work on emotions and ignorance, and without them you are liable to break down.

Q: Break down how?

A: Greater enlightenment brings a kind of peace and acceptance of all of the world that drains away your motivation to act or move in any way. This is why the functionaries are here, to coax people into attending to their bodies when they might simply wither away peacefully otherwise. To maintain a wise mortal, a balance must be struck between wisdom and emotion.

Q: This does sound rather similar to addiction. So... while wisdom might help us understand the world, too much can also harm us. Do you think we should-- oh. Hm. Well... would it benefit the people of the world to visit you, at least for a little while?

A: Assuming no outside factors, yes. You all have minds capable of understanding, but you struggle, suffer, fail, and hurt one another and yourselves out of ignorance and failure to understand what is plain in front of you. Moderation is important, but the effect of greater wisdom is beneficial in almost every measure.

Q: Do you like it when people come to visit you?

A: It is satisfying to help the people of this world live more enlightened and well-examined lives. It might be more efficient for me to travel than for all the people of the world come here, but my presence can also be disruptive in areas where support systems are not already in place.

Q: That... sounds like a yes. Well... I think we've straightened a lot of things out, but I do have a few more questions tucked away, if we have the time?

A: We have time for more.

Q: Good! First question. I think I might know how you'll respond, but I feel like I have to ask. What is the meaning of life?

A: Meaning is not an objective, external property. It is you, the people, that give life meaning, same as you give meaning to sounds, and scribbles on paper, and everything else.

Q: What is the secret to happiness?

A: Appreciating your life as it is.

Q: Why should we even keep trying, when everything is so hard?

A: Because you can make things easier, for yourself and for those that come after.

Q: What is the purpose of our existence?

A: Purpose is very similar to meaning. Your emotions create it.

Q: Why are we here?

A: Because others before you worked hard to bring you into existence.

Q: But why were any of them here?

A: Same answer.

Q: Are you trying to dodge my questions?

A: I have answered them fully.

Q: I am literally talking to a God. Isn't it you, all of you, that provide meaning to the world? That give us purpose? That literally put most of the people in the world here?

A: We reflect your ideas and ideals. The beings we created were made from the dreams and wishes of people.

Q: But why? Why did you do it? Why did anyone do it?

A: To try and make things a little better.

Q: That's it? That's why all of us were put here?

A: That is the single most common motivation for making people, and indeed, for most things anyone has ever done.

Q: Does that mean that our... purpose, our reason to exist, if there is one, is just... to make things better?

A: That is a valid interpretation.

Q: But... better how?

A: That is up to you.

Q: Is that really the best you can give me?

A: Your sense of good and bad is informed by those that came before, those that "created you." If you do what you see as good, you are carrying on their will. I have no reason to interfere in that cycle.

Q: So, I should-- so, if I were to try to extract purpose from why I came to be, that would be to do good as those before me see it?

A: Your understanding of the world is not a direct copy of that of your forebears. You have developed your own sense of morality. You are surrounded by philosophers struggling to find a "better" sense of "right and wrong." Parents also seek to make their children better than them in every way, including having better judgment.

Q: So... my purpose, my reason to keep going, is literally just to... do good, as I see it?

A: By many different measures and systems, yes.

Q: ...It's hard to get a satisfying answer from you, but... I guess I feel a little more like I understand now. Thank you. I'm sorry if you get all that a lot.

A: ...

Q: ...If you and Justice were in the same room, what would happen to people that were in both your auras at once?

A: They would have a very intense experience.

Q: You know, I kinda expected you to be more long-winded.

A: ...

Q: Okay. I think I'm just about done. Is there anything else you would like the people of the world to know?

A: You do not have to be in my presence to find wisdom. You need only to take time to stop and think, and you may enrich your life and those around you.

Q: Nice. You know, you seem a little brusque at first, but you're not so bad.

A: ...

Q: Right. Well. Thank you for discussing all this with me. I hope you... have a good day battling ignorance.

A: ...


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