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Reward info below! Including a new vote!!

Things are finally coming together! It's been a long, difficult road turning Project Wild One from a feverish, passionate dream to something remotely playable, but I finally got the game actually running at all recently after all the big additions and changes I needed to make, and I've been picking up steam since then! It's definitely been a big help having a playable version to test things in quickly, I've found, and I've recently gotten set up with more powerful development tools to help speed things up and take out a lot of the frustration as well.

I also feel like I just have a much better understanding of how to make things happen in code and in Unity by now, and a lot of the features I'd been thinking of pushing off for next version are getting more and more tempting when I realize how easy it would be to add at least a very small, simple implementation of it to this version. My image for where v0.01 will be is finally starting to solidify, and I believe I'm getting close to the point where I'll be sending a test copy to my proofers so they can shake it down for bugs and the like-- the final stage before the advance release!

With that in mind, I think it's high time I try to implement some of the rewards I've promised, at least on a minimal level. You've all been very patient with me as this development dragged on and I want to show some appreciation for that, and give you a reason to keep supporting at the level that you are. So I've got several rewards up and running, which I'll talk about and link to below!

Before that, though, I do think some context may help a lot, so let me talk about what Project Wild One is shaping up to right now.

There are about a million features I'd love to include in this game to make it more stimulating, more fun, and easier to understand, but right now this is the bare bones of functionality, so it's going to be obviously lacking in a lot of ways. All the descriptions are short and kinda vague, and the characters will have little visible differentiation besides what they're called and what anatomy they have. Technically, things like their size and various aspects of personality are already going to be influencing their actions in a lot of ways, but I'm not expecting a lot of that to be very visible just yet.

So I do want to include some measure of character generation with different "types" of characters available, but I'm hoping to help you establish reasonable expectations when I start talking about your options. There won't really be any meaningful conversations or unique behavior for different characters in the game as it is now, but I'm hoping that at least offering very basic representations of characters that you like will make it more enjoyable.

So! With all that said, the first thing I'm offering is a vote on what kinds of characters you'd like to encounter! I've tried to include a lot of archetypes that are fairly popular and shouldn't be particularly difficult or time-consuming to add to the game. Technically I haven't implemented tentacles yet, so those would add a little extra time if they make the cut, but otherwise, any of these should be doable on a basic level.

You can VOTE HERE to give your feedback on what characters or creatures I should include for you to encounter! I'll probably only include a few for the first version to keep it from taking too much longer, so choose carefully!

Besides that, I'm also planning to include the option to throw in some rare, named NPCs with names of your choosing! Supporters in the Game-Changer and up tier can now throw as many names as they like into the mix using the new form. You can find both the custom content forms available so far HERE!

And for The Named, it's not much, but I'd like to offer you the chance to have the player character named after you. This may expand later as we develop the technology for NPCs to maybe include unique characters, but for now, you can enjoy a personalized experience or give everyone an alternative to enjoy, your choice. You can find the forms for both games HERE!

And while I'm at it, this is a good time to remind folks in the Power Player and higher tiers you can appear in the game's credits! If you've already filled out the form once then don't worry about it, but if you haven't, this is your chance to get your name in there before v0.01 is minted!

In general, this is your notice that if you need to give me info for me to include your rewards, now's a good time to do it! I'm honestly skeptical that I'll have this finished before the end of the month, but we're getting close!

I'm also planning to include some cheats on both levels, though I'm still figuring out how exactly that will work without creating too much extra work in the process. At least this is the kind of game where actually having cheats makes sense, even in the first prototype!

It feels good to finally be on the roll again, and close to putting all this work in your hands. I'm still super nervous that it's going to come out really underwhelming once you actually try it, but with a little luck, I can at least make the game's potential visible if you play it a while.


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