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Hey, guys! There was a bug with summoning the book, so I've made up new copies of alllll the different versions. If you ran into this problem, you should be able to download a new copy from the usual spots linked on my main page and get past it no problem. Sorry for the trouble!

Also, Lith's diary just went out to everyone in the $10+ tiers with confirmed payment this month! Hope you enjoy!

If you've been looking at my main page recently (or at a lot of other folks' main pages) you may have noticed the total amount of money I'm getting fluctuating pretty dramatically! Seems Patreon is trying out a system to show a more accurate number for how much money we actually get, since there's a lot of fees, and a lot of issues with people whose payments don't go through. It's a pretty nice idea, I think! The only issue being, it brought my front page number to under $1000, so it's been claiming now and then that I haven't met my final goal. Obviously, I decided to stick to the two-month schedule for this update anyway :p Hopefully, we'll soon be pushing past that mark even with the new counting method, so it won't be a concern! (or a temptation to slow down :p )

Also, I just realized: I haven't made up a "You Are Here!" for v0.19! I'll have to get that out for you guys soon.

Anyway, that's all the little bits of news! To all my new supporters joining with the latest update, thank you very much for jumping on with me, and I hope you'll enjoy the ride! To everyone else, big thanks for your continued support! Happy holidays!


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