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Gosh, we flew past this one even quicker than I'd expected! The eighth goal has been met, and this was a big one. My original schedule was to release a new version every three months, but with this funding, I'm prepared to try my best to make it happen every two months instead. This will probably mean slightly less content per update, but I'll be pushing myself to try and keep it to about the same, so we can accelerate our steps toward completing MVOL.

Besides more writing, of course, this also means that art will be going into the game faster than ever, averaging one new picture each month. I'm exhausted just thinking about it, but hopefully now that I've overcome some of these challenges, I'm better prepared to get these things done faster and easier in the future! I've taken a little time to cool down after the big rush and to deal with some real life stuff, plus get a little writing done on other stuff to try and get back into a proper groove, but I reckon I'll be jumping back on the game writing soon to make sure I've got plenty built up in time. Void Masters, keep an eye on your email inboxes!

When I first made this Patreon, I almost didn't dare hope that we'd go this far. I didn't put these last two goals up at first, because I thought it would be aiming too high, but we've done it! Thank you so much, everyone. I think for now, there won't be any more goals added-- I've bitten off a lot here, and I want to make sure I can chew it first and foremost. Maybe if I come up with new ideas later, when I've got my feet solid under me, we'll see if we can push even further. For now, I hope you're all excited for the new rewards rolling in! Wish me luck!


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