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Alright! I'm still getting the hang of the site, but you should find attached to this message both file types for v0.17+! I'm offering it right away to everyone as a special kickoff. Thank you for joining my Patreon. I'm pretty excited to see how this goes!

Keep an eye out for another post shortly. I want to start discussing other rewards to offer my supporters, and I'd love to hear your opinions on what sounds most interesting!



Looks like you can find the games attached on the upper right of the post. Hope you enjoy!


I'm having a problem trying to play it..... it won't work for me even in a SWF player...the screen just comes up white with nothing on it.


Hrmm. What sort of device are you trying to play it on? Assuming you're opening the .swf file on a PC, have you updated Flash on your computer recently? Additionally, does the device you're playing on have an internet connection? It's not generally required, but there's a known issue in some cases where the game won't start up properly if it can't at least touch the internet due to the connection framework we have to use.