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Alright! The Hidden Update is, tentatively, ready! It's the pre-release MMU, and that means that rather than using the Diamond Door, you get to find this one out in the wild!

And this time around, that's going to be more of a challenge than usual. As I mentioned last month, part of the experience with this one is finding it. It's going to be a surprise/secret for new players, and I want you to be able to enjoy a little of that surprise yourself, if possible.

So! The clues I'm planning to offer are, more or less, like this:

I've added a large chunk of new content to the game that's very different from everything else. I've been intending to add this for a LONG time, and I left a placeholder scene in the spot where it was going to go. But people had such a strong reaction to the placeholder, I've decided to go ahead and leave it in. Now, you can still see the placeholder, but if you have at least 100 points and you've been through the Stone Door at least once, then where you would usually see this placeholder, you will instead find... a new experience, for better or worse.

That's a whole lot of explanation that doesn't tell you very much, right? Well, I welcome you to try poking around and see if you can figure it out. I've made one tiny change to the cheats to make it easier to get to once you've figured out where it is.

And... if you're completely stumped, then I've spelled it out here.

My original plan for this section has turned out to be a ton more work than I'd expected, so this is sort of a small sample of the possibilities, and I had to put in a lot of groundwork getting it all working behind the scenes that only barely gets shown off here. I'm looking forward to hearing feedback on this, to see if I should go ahead and try to expand it properly, or if maybe I should try and just finish it off quickly. You guys are welcome to comment! Just don't scroll down if you don't want spoilers...

I know this one won't be everyone's cup of tea, but it'll have a few nuggets in there story-wise you may find interesting anyway. Whatever the case, I hope that everyone that can, enjoys! Thanks so much for your support, even when I'm pulling weird stuff like this! I won't be surprised if there are some bugs, too, it's been super complicated getting all the fiddly bits working, so please let me know if you have any problems!

G-Drive Mirrors: Standard - Android


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