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Alright. You've got a weird choice with this one.

v0.40 is going to be "The Hidden Update." I'm adding a big chunk of new content, but it's hidden, and I'm gonna give a few clues at release and let people figure it out for themselves where it is. This is partly because I feel like the surprise when you find it is a pretty important part of the experience.

So! You guys are my biggest supporters, and I don't want to ruin that experience for you. This content is another one of those big jumps that I'm not sure people will be happy with and that I know people won't be expecting, but if you play this MMU, it'll mean a few things:

1. It'll spoil the big surprise of what this update is
2. It'll be really obvious where to find this content once it's in the game.
3. It stops at a pretty critical point, just before you start getting the payoff for a lot of stuff that's happened. It'll be really frustrating, and leave you with a much different impression to stew on for the weeks to come than if you were able to play it all the way through!

Now, I'm not saying you shouldn't play this preview. I've put it together to reward each of you for your contributions to this project, and I don't want you to feel like you can't enjoy the rewards you've signed up for.

But if getting "the full experience" is important to you, you may want to consider holding off. I'm pretty confident that the next MMU (should be dropping on the 20th of April or so) will be a much better experience on all three counts I mentioned above, even if it's not the 100% finished, polished experience, so that could be a good compromise if you're on the fence.

Now! With all that out of the way, let's get the usual info out of the way. This is the post-release MMU, and that means you can access the new content by going through the Diamond Door in the doors menu. If you can't access the doors, cheats are enabled, so you can give Lith a collar and find them pretty quickly. You'll see slightly more of the content if you are wearing at least one article of clothing.

This preview is a little shorter than usual. To be honest, I spent a lot of time wrestling with this idea. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go through with it, as I knew it'd probably strike a lot of people as a strange or even bad choice, but I've been intending to add this for a long, long time, and I see it as a necessary part of the game's identity as a whole. It's turning out bigger than I expected so far, I'll admit, and I'm debating finding some ways to trim it down and "lighten" it a little, but considering what's happening, giving it the room to breathe and develop is probably needed to really get invested in it emotionally.

So yeah, fighting myself over "should I do this at all" and "how will I even structure this" and working so much in a different frame of mind for the content needed has taken up a lot of my creative time and energy for the first half of writing up this update. But this is, hopefully, "the hard part," and things should flow easier from here.

Anyway, that's a lot of rambling while trying to avoid spoilers! I hope that those of you that do take the dive now will enjoy and be intrigued, and not too mad about this addition. I'd appreciate it if you'd avoid spoiling anyone about this! It's still another month and change until the public release, and even then, I'm hoping to give everyone the chance to be surprised on their own.

Thank you all for your support on this crazy ride!

G-Drive Mirrors: Standard - Android


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