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Hi guys! I got a report for a few issues with the new Magic Glove functionality, and it broke down to two things. One was basically that a section of it plain didn't work, and that's fixed now if you download a new copy.

The other issue was with the way the game loads a save if you've used the Magic Glove before. If you've used the Magic Glove before on that save, then you load it on any version of the game I released earlier today, then it'll change the file you loaded to make the glove not work anymore. However, I've updated the downloads for the Plus and Deluxe versions of the game (look for a "b" on the main menu's version, i.e. "v0.39+b!", and if you load that file through either of those, it will write a fix to the save file automatically as it reads it. Sorry for the inconvenience!

To my biggest supporters, if you've received a named copy of the game, you can also use one of these copies to make sure your save file works correctly. Even if you go back to your named copy after, the file should load and have no issues. I'll probably compile a fresh batch of named copies to send out in a few days, as I want to wait and see if any other odd bugs pop up first, just in case. To you especially, I apologize for the inconvenience! You should be able to make any file work just fine with your current copy by using one of these "b" copies to "proofread" it first.


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