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Tons of little things added with this update! Get all the info over on my blog!

Having trouble playing the game? Go here, scroll down to your operating system and click "Download the Flash Player projector."

Mega Mirrors: Standard - Android



Downloaded it and when i click on play i get this wall of text an at the end it says that the game failed to load properly. Try MEGA and from here and none of the worked, downloaded debug version of projector and this is what I get when i try to run it, Error: Error #2130: Unable to flush SharedObject. at Error$/throwError() at flash.net::SharedObject/flush() at MVOL_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()


Never mind, if anyone have the same problem try deleting flash appdata, here u can find how to do it. : <a href="https://helpx.adobe.com/au/flash-player/kb/flash-player-games-video-or.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://helpx.adobe.com/au/flash-player/kb/flash-player-games-video-or.html</a>#main_6__Remove_Flash_Player_cache


i cant download the game


so much nice written text i love it