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The advance version of this shipped out a week ago, but since then we've gone through and fixed a bunch of bugs and typos. I hope you guys enjoy!

Trouble playing the downloaded copy? Go here, scroll down to your operating system and click "Download the Flash Player projector."

Mirrors: Standard - Android



When I download this, it says I need Adobe Air but when I search for the app ot isn't there. What am I doing wrong?


Yeah, it looks like they recently took Air off the Play Store, usually it would just download automatically when you first tried to play the game. I'll be looking into solutions for something I can recommend in the long term, but for now, you might try googling "Android Adobe Air" and see if a site you trust will offer it for download. Sorry for the inconvenience!


I googled adobe air download and the one site called Techspot is where I downloaded it from


Here is a Adobe Air for Android <a href="https://apkpure.com/adobe-air/com.adobe.air" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://apkpure.com/adobe-air/com.adobe.air</a>


Pretty cool game. I hope you add more actions and...fetishes, maybe


were i can find some info about "magic glove"?


How do I find images and unlock them in the Art Galary?


how do you use the 'open book' option?


The game explains the cheat items on the main menu, right after you click "play!"


The game explains the cheat items on the main menu, right after you click "play!" That said, the book isn't directly useful so much as a curio and an easy way to break the game xP


IT doesnt explain how to use it, and it can be a bit hard to since 1 and 2 use the options, but I figured it out. you have to put in a page number between 1-100 though the 'pages' containing a 1 or 2 are difficult to use