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Dusting off and making some ref charts to help with comms!

Hopefully it'll help with pinpointing the exact sizes (•̀ᴗ•́ )و
Bigger sizes to be added soon

Growgetter's getting new artists in too! So been busy coaching them in the art of adding delicious meat ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 



Alisteir Pandemonicon

While its good that Worst to first is the most popular, my biggest problem with all the stories is...they're kinda the same : girl getting superstrong and going over a powertrip . Its sad because i think adding variation to the stories themselves would be amazing, it'll give more uniqueness to each product, the only uniqueness are the starting situations but they all look the same imo

Alisteir Pandemonicon

While its good that Worst to first is the most popular, my biggest problem with all the stories is...they're kinda the same : girl getting superstrong and going over a powertrip . Its sad because i think adding variation to the stories themselves would be amazing, it'll give more uniqueness to each product, the only uniqueness are the starting situations but they all look the same imo


Well that's what always is supposed to happen in FMG comics. A story based comic needs way more time and work. For my part I don't need a deep and refreshing story with three twists when I want to see muscles growing. I know what I am talking about because I am the creator of a FMG based version of Not So Little Witch Academia. This comic could already be finished but the team always ends up in complaints about the story. "The other girl is too much in the background", "She doesn't does it that way", "We have to introduce the helping character for the boss fight more nicely". The comic is now running for three years and was rewritten three times, just to make it unique. Don't get me wrong but when doing this correctly you will always have a comic for a long time to finish.

Alisteir Pandemonicon

also i thought that they couldt get any new artist in the moment , what changed?