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I know, I know, it's never something that you want to see, and I'm sorry that I have to do this. There's been a lot going on - a lot of good stuff, mind you! - but it's cut into time that I would've liked to use polishing up stories. This should be finished soon, but until then, hopefully this will whet your appetite:

It was... Well, it was barbarism! They scorned the world of sticks and stones, and thus it seemed barbarians thought it appropriate to make theirs one of pelts and bones! The evidence of their hunting was clear in every facet of their way of life. Where a tent might normally find its framework laid out in wood rods and tarpaulin, this one was held up by the ribs of some great beast, bleached white with animal skins lashed tight upon it. Instead of cushions, they left Sebastian and Oscar to sit back on furs.

And instead of dressing with any semblance of modesty, these statuesque beauties wore little more than scraps of animal pelts, barely covering themselves. If the cold bothered them, they didn't show it in the least. The most that indicated discomfort was a flush on their cheeks as they strode in from the cold, tromping in with their fur-lined boots and what amounted to undergarments fashioned from furs.

He didn't quite want to admit it, but Oscar found the parade of such casual near-nudity more stimulating than would perhaps be considered proper. They certainly lacked decorum in that regard, and he was beginning to fear that his manners were slipping away, too!

This post will be updated ASAP!


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