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Hey, again! There's not much to say right now. In this specific moment. So I'll just post the story! This one's called Childhood Fiend.

Siegfried the hero has been chosen to do challenge the champion of Hell, and he's ready to play his part in the annual ritual to determine who will have free rein of the kingdoms of man. He's much stronger and much more experienced than he was as a novice adventurer, and there's no way he'd ever lose to some lowly imp like he used to! Unfortunately for him, adventurers aren't the only ones that level up, and this apparently "random" encounter seems to recognize him...

You can read it here!

This was a lot of fun to write! I've had the idea for a good long while now, but it was only recently that I decided to finally flesh it out. I really enjoyed writing the dialogue for one character specifically, but the entire group and their interpersonal dynamics were a delight to pin down. Can you guess who my favorite is?

Anyway, like I said, I have some other, bigger things to talk about soon, but I'd want to sit down and focus on those. I definitely can't do it on an empty stomach! thus implying im hungry right now, idk. it's not all gonna be gold, i can type like this too sometimes. BUT THE STORY ISN'T WRITTEN LIKE THAT, DON'T WORRY

As always, thank you so much for your support...and your patience.



“Only until my meal’s ET” - what is Et mean?