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Right now, I'm burning the midnight oil editing this piece. I've been trying to sprint through it so that I could get it posted without doing...this again, but I feel like the story would've come out sub-par if I did. I appreciate your patience immensely, and you can rest assured that it'll be ready very soon!

Chances are, you woke up in the morning and didn't even have to fret over this liminal bit.

As always, thank you for your support...and your patience, too.



i believe in you senpai


Please do not go back to doing this. I say this as someone who makes a living as a creative and who is a fan of yours. I think that most people who are still patrons of you understand that the previous unreleased posts aren't gonna happen, at least not anytime soon but we're here because we love your writing and want to support you. That said, going back to doing these blank posts (without releasing anything on your already massive to-do list) will cause your fans' good will to run dry very quickly which is not worth waiting a month to get paid for a story. I'm sorry for being blunt but this is a very bad look right now. There are much better solutions like changing your payment methods or raising your prices. I doubt you're reading these comments but I hope you turn things around here.


I'm not even asking to ever see those stories at this point I just would like for this to not happen going forward, I feel like that's not unreasonable to ask