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It would've been 100 Patrons, but someone dropped out while I was setting it up. A cruel irony I only discovered as I looked up, sweat-sheened and grappling with the madness that are Discord Roles.

I can't believe I finally hit a milestone like this!! I remember when I first started this Patreon, I was barely optimistic that I'd be able to get a handful of supporters. Now I've far outgrown my wildest expectations, and I have to do something big and fun to celebrate!! So, I thought to myself, "Discord is fun! I spend a lot of time on there shouting at my friends!"

And now here we are!

All the support tiers that I have currently (and the ones I'll make/amend going forward) now have Discord integration for my new server! I'll be making smaller updates there and generally hanging out when I'm bored at work. I'd say "don't be scared to chat with me," but I think any delusions of grandeur you might have regarding me will be summarily dispelled when you see how I reacted to the Patreon/Discord integration kicking in. It seems like everyone was automatically brought in, and I had a fucking heart attack seeing those names appear in the sidebar.


But maybe you don't use Discord! Maybe you're going "Carol! Enough of these bells and whistles!" To that, I say "Well, check out these bells and whistles, then!" My first mini-VN (The Milk of Inhuman Kindness) will be coming out publicly later this month, but I figure you guys deserve a sneak peek at the female lead of my next mini-VN!

This is Morgan, the femme fatale who'll be starring in Blackberry Kisses, my next Mini-VN! She's a freelance witch who makes her living selling potions and charms online via Hexxi. She needs a test subject for a new product, and... Let's just say she has a way with words when it comes to enlisting your help. Like I said, you'll get the full story later this month! Hopefully this is enough to whet your appetite, though.

Again, thank you all so much for your support. I'm going to be making a few big changes in my life soon, and the notion that so many people are willing to support the things I try to do and the stories I try to write means more than you might realize. I'm so thankful for your support, and I hope I keep making the kind of content you love to see!

And if I don't, well, now you can tell me directly on Discord.

P.S. If you want to invite a friend that isn't a patron of mine, here's an invite link to the server:




Now its 100. I was never here. nerd