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So, as you may have noticed, April was a little slow for me, and this is for a few reasons.

First, my job is considered an essential one, and not one I can do from home, so the bulk of my time and mental energy has been taken up by work and lowkey stressing over the situation I've been put in by my employers. I'm not going to act like I'm some kind of suffering martyr, of course, but it's been rougher than I think I've admitted to myself.

Second, I've been getting in contact with a fair few artists about illustrations I'd like to commission them for, so while I didn't put out a lot of writing last month, I've been doing the legwork for a lot of delightful femdom art that you guys are going to be seeing soon! This stuff is mostly going to be used in bigger projects, but I'm planning on providing a commissioned reference sheet with the stories I post going forward!

The biggest question is if I can claim these commissions on my taxes next year... With the amount I'm spending on them, I think it's in my best interest to check at some point soon!

In any case, here are two fan (or at least author) favorites: Mary the Succubus and the ever-present Goblin Barmaid!

Both of these pictures were done by Jek as well, and I was ecstatic to see just how handily he captured these two characters. Mary in particular is portrayed perfectly here, just as adorable, friendly, and jaw-droppingly busty as I imagine her! I'm so happy to be able to commission Jek for these; he was worth every penny!

Just as an aside, I've linked the full versions of the sheets to this post. They're a bit bigger!

This month, I'm going to try and write around three or four new stories (closer to three, I think), and if all goes according to plan, there should be a very special surprise for you guys waiting at the end of the month!

Thanks so much for supporting me! This isn't a paid post, obviously, but I always appreciate your taking the time to follow what I'm doing!




Can’t wait to see what you’re cooking up! And yay for the art! I mean, ahem, ”as a patron/customer, I find that Carol J’s investment in artwork has created additional value to the service he provides.” There. If I know anything about your US tax laws (and oh boy I sure don’t!) you should now have permanent tax immunity and qualify for billions in bailouts. Or possibly you’ll have to testify in front of the congress because of my foreign meddling. One or the other, I’m sure.