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Hey, everyone! It'th the return of a fan favorite thith time! Two, in fact! Writing one of the other thtorieth- Akpth! Writing one of the other stories last month reminded me just how much fun the Lorem Ipsum setting is, so I figured I'd make a more explicit return to the Monster Girl Mixer format, no pun intended.

That's a lie. My puns are always intentional.

Anyway, this story was fun, and it features a character a fair number of people have been asking about, too: Mary the nerdy succubus! This time, though, she's not being ignored by some hot guy, she's being flirted with by one. I think that most of the charm in her character is how earnest she is, however, so don't expect her to flirt back much until she's all but cornered.

This was a fun story to write! It also edges distressingly close to maledom at some parts (and definitely features a guy taking the lead for most of the story), but that's more because I wanted to push Mary until she pretty much snapped. It also toys with some of my favorite archetypes, which are nerdy girls who happen to be breathtakingly sexy...and couples that indulge in super kinky fetish play while still being incredibly lovey-dovey and respectful of each other.

I guess with Mary I couldn't really have it any other way.

As always, thank you so much for your support! Please let me know what you thought of the story, and for everyone who'th not tho fond of Mary'th verbal quirkth, retht assured I'm going to put out a "lithp-less" version later today. Just not right now, because I need to get some sleep.

Fun fact: I used to have a lisp when I was younger! Then one day I started to consciously correct it when I spoke, and now I don't have one! That was back when I was, like, five or six, though. Mary's in college, so she doesn't really have an excuse. But I guess maybe it's cuter for a succubus? 



Theres a smoothness to your writing that I think is incredible.


Thank you so much! It's weird, I guess I'm so "close" to my writing that I can't see any specific voice I have. That means I love hearing other people's opinions on my authorial quirks!


God, I’ve already got such a crush on Mary. I really hope she keeps running through your imagination and we see her back! I’d love to see her confidence begin to grow!