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The holidays have been, as per usual, a hectic time, filled with the wonderful exhaustion that only family can bring. I managed to get all my shopping done, but unfortunately I haven't had the time to do much writing lately. Fortunately, I had the foresight to write a few stories ahead of time!

This one is all about a group of goblins and their nefarious attempts to gain husbands. Given that I'm an incorrigible nerd, the inspiration here is when a boss fight more revolves around a bunch of little enemies that happen to be buffed by the boss. None of them are particularly dangerous, but they can be overwhelming in a group. You could consider the main villain here the "goblin lord," though she's more accurately a goblin lady.

Well, they're not called "ladies" in MtG. But this isn't a story from MtG, so it's a moot point.

I feel like a specific part of this story didn't quite land, but hopefully you'll disagree! Either way, I hope you all enjoy the story, and I hope you had a wonderful holiday season!



I am halfway through, and it is very, very good.


Finished! So, I'm curious—was the chief always a goblin, as is sorta implied, or was she replaced while he was gone?

Matthew Lindquist

If you don't mind my asking; what part of the story did you think wasn't landing properly? I think it's amazing!!


The twist that the other "inquisitor" was a goblin all along. I tried to add some subtle foreshadowing, but I worry it was either too subtle or not enough. Of course, you enjoying the story far outweighs anything else I'm concerned with!