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So, I haven't been posting a whole lot for the past few months! The explanation for that comes in the form of both good news and bad news. In the interest of getting the heavy stuff out of the way first, I'll touch on the bad:

There's been a lot of changes going on in my living situation, and while I don't want to get into the specifics, it's some relatively major stuff. I've had to spend most of my time and energy on said stuff, and there's been a lot of stress associated with that.

For the good news:

Everything turned out A-OK! So while the past few months have been a bit sparse, the time and energy invested were well worth it, and now I have a level of stability in my life that's going to afford me a lot more free time (and mental focus) that's going to result in a whole lot more writing. You should all expect more Vendric and Valentina, more Starstrike and Black Dahlia, more hypnosis, and more femdom!

And while I don't want to make any promises I can't keep, I know that setting good habits is one of the cornerstones of success. I recently learned that GigglingGoblin (still one of the best) writes something for her Tumblr every day, and honestly? Writing a little snippet (or more) every day sounds like a great way to make sure I'm exercising my authorial muscles. And if I decide to do that (and decide that it's good enough to show off) I may join that bandwagon and make a few more (shorter) (freer) posts on here or (a yet-unmade) Tumblr.

In short, thank you all so much for your patience and support. It's been a long time coming, but I'm out of the woods, and that means I'm finally able to deliver the kind of content you guys deserve!


P.S. As V01D pointed out, I accidentally posted an unfinished version of Chance or Trance the other day. Expect the finished story to go up tomorrow night!


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