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Just to get this out of the way: I will be making a post later tonight (or possibly tomorrow) talking about why I've been scarce lately and what I'm going to be doing going forward.

With that in mind, here's my latest story!

I don't know why, but I've been thinking about robots lately. Robots and artificial intelligence. What makes a person a person? Can a computer be "alive?" Is it really femdom if it's a computer program brainwashing you instead of a live woman, given that one could argue computer programs lack a gender?

The (respective) answers are: "sapient thought," "yes," and "I don't know, but it's still hot."

Take a big scoop of the last question, mix it with a dollop of the creation surpassing the creator, and you have Dea Ex Machina, a story that I'm pretty pleased with. Something I tried to do with this one was to have a "logical" induction. Step by step, a mathematical proof as to why it is in your best interest to watch the big spiral on your computer screen and submit.

I hope you enjoy!



This reminds me of the old Master Computer stories. It’s nice to see a good story where the focus is on the hypno/control and the sex is secondary. Thanks for this one!