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Rest assured, I'm writing more than just my collaboration story with GigglingGoblin, who you should all go and pledge to because good minced swear, her writing is great.

Case in point, here's a story I finished about a bodyguard, a succubus, and an alternative method of payment! Typically if you want to spend some time with the girls at a brothel, you better have money to burn. Nico isn't quite so well off that he can afford something like that, but lucky for him, there are other ways to pay.

You can expect this to be the first of many stories where I try to surreptitiously slip in my weirder kinks, but rest assured that they're never going to be that weird. Moreover, they're always going to work in service of the stuff we're all here for: femdom hypnosis!

In addition, I'm aware that my updates have been a bit more sporadic as of late, and I'm working on a few changes to ensure that I can write more for you guys and not make any promises that I can't keep or just aren't sustainable. Expect more on that in a few days. I'll try my best not to post it on April 1st so no one's confused. Besides, I may or may not have a story to post for April Fool's Day...

I hope you enjoy the story, and thank you all so much for your continued support! It's a huge boost to my motivation. I don't want to go into too much detail, but it helps me more than you guys probably realize.

And remember: always be sure to get plenty of rest! You never do your best work when you're feeling drained.



Very devious. Glad to see another story from you, and hope all is well!


The ending was very nice. Like being taken advantage of, but not in an entirely malicious way.