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So, in lighter news, I'm still not dead!

Thanksgiving tried its level best to take me down with a one-two combo of travel and turkey, but I overcame its tryptophanic terrors!

Now, I do want to reassure you all that the stories you voted for in the poll at the beginning of the month will all be posted in November. I'd also like to apologize for my tardiness in posting them. The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry, and my holiday travel kind of summed up that saying perfectly.

Nevertheless, I've been hard at work! Here's Venus Needs Men, along with a PDF and EPUB file of Monster Girl Mixer: Fall Semester, which features the first two Monster Girl Mixer stories (Zeta House and Phi Alpha Epsilon House) along with Monster Girl Mixer: Scared Stiff.

As always, thank you all so much for your continued support! I couldn't do what I do now if it weren't for you guys showing your appreciation!

P.S. Since it came up with some of my beta readers, don't worry. I know that Venus is not "beyond the stars." It's a "joke," for lack of a better term.



Be fair, I started that sentence with "To be insufferably pedantic". Given that you're charging per update, would anyone mind if you didn't try to finish three stories in the next six days? (Also, Orson Welles still didn't write scifi novels).


I think some wires got crossed in my brain, because I was thinking of H.G. Wells. Updated in the PDF!