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It's Friday and there is nothing better than to end the work week with a comic.

Last chapter Diana and Aly finally had the chance to meet up and form up a party. Aly managed to turn in her first quest and for that she would receive a reward of XP and maybe some other things that she'll share with Diana this chapter. Diana also found something intriguing when she first entered the world maybe in this chapter she'll find more information about that?




Cool. Though to be honest...and please don't hate me for saying this, I really love Diana's new outfit, it doesn't really fit the overall theme of the comic. I would picture her in more of a battle armor with some revealing breasts plate. I rather like the ending where they're being watched by that demon. Should be interesting to see where this leads.


For now she'll be with this one, but when they level up they're gonna get better stuff :) .

Dennis Hallmann

Diana should tower over Aly next time.^^