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It's Friday which means it's time to release the monthly comic!

Last time Sofia and Hana were "experimenting" with the protein and have certainly attained some unique physiques. With Liam showing up both ladies were left a little surprised, but that would leave the door open for something more and I remember that Sofia had something to cash in from one chapter...



Dennis Hallmann

Riley looks so powerful. She definitely wants to try her new strength on Sofia. Let her swallow a little more protein.^^


If I let her have some more with this pace she is going to be really huge XD


Fantastic chapter! Loved the fun parts of this chapter and so much good growth. Sofia’s shape and her portions are awesome, glad to see Riley beef up too. Both Sofia and Riley are going to be in for a shock when they see each other next. Great chapter.

Thomas Elliot

Awesome growth for Sofia and Hana! I was hoping for a little more action between the two of them, but what we got was exciting and hopefully is an indication of their fun future. Excited to see Sofia really show off her superiority when she meets Riley again. Show the bully who's boss!


It's going to be a little tough for Sofia though since Riley did get a little... HUGE! :D, but she won't give up to the bully!