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Making that valentine render made me want to expand on the scene a little more. I just love that bodysuit :D.

Michael look over his looming girlfriend pondering the question she asked him
"Well I think I want you to grow a little and maybe you can shrink me since you know the room is that big."
Kali was amused by her boyfriend's answer "That's an interesting idea usually you want me to grow, but it's a nice change. Let the fun begin..."
Michael went around his girlfriend and hugged her big soft butt "Lovely, I can't wait for it to get bigger he."
As soon as he said that kali grew a little while he had shrunk "Ugh Kali what are you doing?"
Kali smirked as she felt her little man struggling a bit. "Oh you know the bed looks quite soft so I was planning on sitting their a little."
Michael knew what that meant he tried to hold her as much as he can even though Kali held back her full weight, but eventually Michael just fell on the bed with Kali's huge butt following after.
"Now that feels better don't you agree Michael" she said smiling.
"I don't know what to say babe. I am completely at you mercy."
Kali thought about what he said and smirked.
"You know I feel another growth spurt coming up for me, but you will be shrinking a little bit more..."
As she said that her boyfriend had shrunk even more almost vanishing under Kali.

"Wasn't that fun Michael?" Kali said as her boyfriend had wriggled out underneath her and stood up.
"It was pretty fun actually but at one point it was a little scary, but I know you are always gentle."
Kali smiled "You know me very well... Why don't you climb up here and give me a little kiss."
Michael intrigued by the proposition climbed on the bed and in a blink he shrunk down even more. "Oh my god..." Michael looked up taking a moment to get the sight of Kali which looked like a goddess.
"Come on Michael I am waiting you have a long way to go..."




You are getting better and better, much nicer shots, you can see a lot of progress. I'm so glad you started creating