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I love the artwork of BobbyVenice! If you aren't already following him on DeviantArt, you really should. Here's a little story I wrote inspired by this image.


 "But momma...!" Tasha whined, her face red with humiliation as she was  pulled by the arm into the pageant hall. Already the other mothers were  turning to watch, pointing and whispering to each other with mocking  grins as the blushing teenager protested.

"But nothin' young  lady!" Tasha's mother snapped. "You're the one who caused that car  accident, and you're gonna be the one to pay for it! Seeing as how your  silly 'modeling career' isn't taking off anytime soon, I figure maybe  you can use that cute butt to try and win some pageant money."

"B-But... this pageant is for toddlers!" The girl whimpered.

"Not  according to the entry form" her mother said smugly, reading from the  official document. "The Little Miss Poopy Pants Pageant, sponsored by  Tushies Diapers. $10,000 first prize. All ages applicable!" As her  mother handed the form over to one of the grinning pageant judges, Tasha  nervously pulled down on her little pink skirt, wishing she could hide  the pair of thick toddler-training pants she was forced to wear.

Before  she knew what was happening, the pageant was underway. Much to Tasha's  dismay, the judges were enamored with her purposefully weak  performances. Though she tried to stumble through her dance steps, it  came off like the natural clumsiness of a cute little girl and her  stammering during a rendition of "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" was simply met  with adoring coos from the audience.

Then of course, came the  finale, the reason for pageant's namesake. Tasha watched nervously as  each of the little girls nervously took the stage, turned around and  pushed a messy load into their Tushies for the audience. Tasha had  planned to fail this part entirely, but the laxative-laced cookies and  juice her loving momma had gave her earlier were starting to turn cramps  in her tummy. Sure enough, as she spun around and lifted up her dress,  the nervousness of the moment caused her to lose control, filling the  soft babyish padding with a huge teen-sized load of smelly brown waste.

With  teary-eyes and a brown bottom, Tasha accepted her "Little Miss Poopy  Pants" sash, listening as the judges announced her prize. $10,000... and  a five year contract as the official spokesmodel for Tushies Diapers!?

Oh no! 


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