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Sorry it took forever to get up but it appears I have come down with a truly undiagnosable illness (seriousllyyy it's not covid, strep, mono, tonsillitis, it is just unknown viral infection) and being that I leave for Seattle in 10 days, I'm taking it pretty fucking seriously and laying low. Not even speaking for 24 straight hours because my voice is near gone and also every sip of water I take is pure agony bro....cowboy-19 for real.......

In any event, as you'll notice, it IS our first pancake and there are some technical issues with the recording. There's a weird echo in the first 5 mins which makes me sound INCREDIBLY annoying, then the screen glitches often and etc etc, but that is just to be expected when recording a LIVE event if you get me. You'll have to let me know if watching this was fun at all or worth it - if yes, we can upload more of the events. If not, then sionara. Thanks to legendary ROB for recording this and also going "test...test..." randomly in this video. Soo iconic. 



Madeline simping over Keith Urban was not on my bingo card…

Joey Slininger

Apparently I'm Joey Biden now?? 😭😭