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hi girlies!

we are finally putting together some ideas for merch & working with a designer to make it happen. there are some cool & creative things coming your way! we will start small with just a couple of designs...so let me know: what do you want to wear? it's likely we'll start with tees/sweaters/hats.

do you want the EOAS logo? do you want it to say the name of the podcast? is there a phrase or a bit that you would gag to have on your body? someone suggested "they haven't read the sacred text" and we lold at that. 

but y'all are going to be wearing it so sound off!! and if you have swiftologist merch requests, I am all ears for those too ~ MWAH!

– zack 


Joey Caleb

I need a shirt for the Men in Music Business Conference! but yes I would love the logo and I would giggle every time I Iook at ”they haven't read the sacred text” loll

Lindsey Johnston

So excited about merch but Please let’s not use phrases that misuse mental illness symptoms like psychosis/psychotic.