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Hello everyone! As I'm sure everyone has seen, pornpen.ai is down.

As crazy as it sounds, Anguilla, the country which manages the .ai domain, shut down many AI porn sites without warning.

However, do not worry, the site is still working, we just need a new domain.

So, we are rebranding to pornpen.art! It will take a few hours for this domain to fully launch, so you will see errors until then.

I'm really sorry about this outage, and I will extend everyone's pro membership by a month if you were affected by it.



I also get blocked a lot why? I didn't block any tags, they are all green is that a bug?


I lost all my images... :( Is there any way to get them back?? I was making a Visual novel with these images...now i have nothing. Just some images on my computer, so I can't make any generations with these images, there is no upload option? I was a bit fast with this message, I found images on pornpen.ai - this domain still works? Will you transfer the database and images to pornpen.art?