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Sorry for the absence lately, i've been really burnt out. I'm not really sure how to write this all out. i havent finished a piece of music, done any video feedback work, or streamed in over a month. Theres a lot of IRL stuff happening for me right now with some fuckups that happened with my legal name change and trying to get new insurance because i'm too old to get my parent's anymore as of this month. A polygon priestess album finally came out though, as I'm sure you saw the last few posts, and also I finally have been getting my music out on streaming services!! It's exciting but also has been it's own can of worms figuring out all this music industry stuff. This is all happening during the same time as a depressive episode and some huge struggles with executive dysfunction and autism burnout. I want to get back in the swing of things again but I know it's going to be a while even still to get back to where i was before. Thank you for your continued support and patience with me through all of this though. It really means a lot. Y'all are the real ones. Thank you again, sorry for how disjointed this update was. Love u.



Take all the time you need Sophia <3