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Johnny is back with a bonus episode to talk about the HUGE drug bust in Australia, a Chinese Fentanyl King, and why drug trafficking will never end. 



Could u upload episode 20 and 21 on here? I missed those 2 (I imagine YouTube took them down?)


Hey man. An additive for your channel might be adding a community tab. Where the Patreon members can talk amongst each other.

Todd Hannah

The math is $160,000 to make not 1.6. It would be the dumbest thing they ever did not to do this. So they found the one. I bet 6 got thru. The problem is that will make the cost go down a ton.


Do you know for sure El Mayo sold out El Chapo? How would you know that.


Brian needs a mic. Cant hear anything he is saying


But what is the phone number to call in!? Where can I find this number??

Kim Bingham

OMG 😆.... You just said some shit I say...."white people shit" ....I just cried laughing for minutes... Johnny more and more I watch you.... I feel like you're telling my story

Kim Bingham

I fukn luv you dude.... And the show of course. Ty