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Chris George ran one of the most successful and notorious "pill mill" pharmacies in Florida at the height of the oxycontin opioid epidemic in the late 2000s. He began his criminal career as a teenager buying a selling illegal steroids and eventually ran it through a business front with his brother. In his late 20s he entered the burgeoning pain management industry and quickly Chris and his brother were running the largest pain pill mill company in the state; South Florida Pain Clinic. His entire family entered the business with him and soon he caught the attention of the feds and was eventually served 10 years in prison. Today he runs a legitimate successful business and has been featured in numerous documentaries, television series', and news shows telling his story.



nonya buisness

Johnny, We don't live in a democracy... We live in a constitutional republic.


I've got a really rare eye condition and I did pain management from 2011 to 2013. I couldn't put down my tree smoking but I've been on a plethora of different pain meds. Oxy, morphine even Ketamine for a while. I don't believe it's really the manufacturer issue as a doctor and the ppl who need it. Now we've got record suicides because they can't get anything for pain. Pain really can ruin your life. I was able to kick oxy fairly easy. The benzodiazapine is the hardest to stop. I'll be on Kalonipen for the rest of my life. I'm at the point were I told my Dr I'm about quality of life not quantity. I've found most Dr's can tell if you're in pain by your blood pressure. Pain is a mother fucker. Great episode