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Barry Minkow, one of the largest financial scammers in American history, hangs out and discusses the largest scams being run by financial institutes today. He discusses bitcoin vs other cryptocurrencies, insider trading, real estate fraud and more!


Joe Schroer

Johnny you made the best point in this whole interview about the dollar being fucked off by the government consistently for 50+ years. I agree the immigration crisis is also important but not as important as out livelihood being stolen from us and the youth.


Our laws are all a cluster fuck. I'm in a state where if I have over an ounce it's a felony. I have a very rare eye condition and my eye Dr's have told me to smoke herb. It's all stupid State laws will fuck as much as Feds. Johnny is correct on the gold standard getting fucked since Nixon. If you rob the wrong ppl like Elizabeth Holmes, you'll get more time. If you rob a bunch of broke ppl on disability you get a slap on the wrist. We are heading into a crazy times. If you're the top 1% you won't be touched but middle class is not going to exist, you're either poverty level, top low class or in between the 2. Great episode.