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From a recent article in the Sterling Heights tabloids: 

"They've gone too far!" A canine man is quoted shouting at a local cable news reporter stationed outside of Knock headquarters. Before the journalist could even reply, he continued: "They are in there creating monsters from fairy tails! All under the guise of "hybridization!" They're all mad! Playing God! This will surely be the end of our civilization as we know it!" Shortly after his outburst, the canine man ran down the sidewalk, screeching about the end times. 

Surely the science behind Knock's efforts is validation enough? Can we ever be completely sure what kind of wild and strange experiments are going on behind those sealed, labratory doors? What will the acquisition of CrossBreed Labs mean for the future of Knock? 

Only time will tell. 




Looks like Jack has been busy with the Fluffers